Adult Education Services

Improve in Reading, Writing, & Math
Improve English Language Skills
Participate in Job & Career Training

Study for the GED® Exam

Passing the GED® tests along with the AZ Civics test is one way a High School Equivalency Diploma (HSE) can be earned. Click below to learn about the College Credit Pathway and the HSE PLUS Career Readiness Pathway as other options.

Improve in Reading, Writing, & Math

Adult Education (AE) assists adult learners to acquire the academic and employment skills to be college and career ready and to realize their full potential, so individuals, families, and communities can thrive.

Improve English Language Skills

Learn or improve your English language skills. There are free programs offered for beginning to advanced-level learners. You will learn practical English conversation, reading, and writing, both individually and in small groups.

Participate in Job & Career Training

Adult Education offers Integrated Education & Training (IET) Programs that support participation in career training while preparing for the GED® exam or improving English skills. IET programs help students gain skills needed to transition into in-demand jobs and careers.

Find an Adult Education Program

Your information will help find the right program for you.

  1. Fill out registration.
  2. Take an assessment and identify your interests.
  3. Fill out your Profile.
  Start Registration